Friday, 12 July 2019

Who'd've Believed Rewrites Would Be So... Well, Expectedly Painful

   Hey guys, long time no speak!

   Not surprising, I'm up to my elbows in polishing. Admission of a new guilty pleasure, I'm building social media presence over on The Twitter. And because I do it properly, that means compiling a followers list, doing shout outs, retweeting other shout outs, though I'm a little quiet on the posting and commenting side - yeah, I'm shy.

   I'm love/hate with twitter, though I'm doing okay amassing followers - 1750 or so now, a bit slow after I shot up 600 in less than two weeks. But enough of twitter updates and gripes, it's the book I came to speak about.

   Rewrites are taking forever, what with my son visiting for the next couple of weeks, so entertaining him is a priority. Plus there are my other social engagements, and the dreaded but monetarily thanked job I have to do to pay the rent. But boy, when you need time to rewrite a chapter, it's, well, frustrating!

   Yes, I'm still slaying adverbs. Yes, I'm wiping out my passive writing. Progress has been good up until this chapter - you'd think doing a sex scene would be easy. Yeah, about as easy as the opposite of what an amateur or non writer presumes. Ugh, I say... But I'm the one who wants the direct, efficient writing, wants things polished really shiny, wants to finish this at some point in the future.

   It was quick at the beginning of my new quest. I thought I would make good progress. Alas, the author was wrong. BAD AUTHOR! Oh well, its the writer's life for me, yo ho ho and a rewrite or ten thousand! Its just hard, a little confronting and disconcerting. But I got a chapter done, and 11 more to go... but going to be some rewriting of the next one - double ugh!

   But that for tomorrow, I need a break! So I'll catch up soon, and though I promise myself to do a video on YouTube... maybe I'll work on that next.

   And with that, I'll bid you all adieu.

   As always, have a good one!

   T. M.