Hi guys,
I know I've been promising the world, and that FSJ was supposed to be due out this year (before a slight mishap that has left me down since I let it happen). But since life goes on and it takes as long as it takes to get back on one's feet, especially fighting with debilitating memories of life-changing events that shouldn't happen but nevertheless have, changing jobs, selling my old DJ equipment and my vinyls (happy mixing, buyers!), watching Honest Trailers and Medieval Land Happy Time World too much on Youtube (ask me anytime how I feel about people that go Hadouken) and booking the missus, her mum and dad off to the Australian Open, here goes with an adjustment of the books.
Guys, TSH is edited, thanks again to Liam over at Invisible Ink Editing, and I've spent half of today making just a few changes to fit it into the new formatting - I've gone for a bigger page now, which makes the book just that one bit taller and slimmer. That done, I've decided that, what better time to celebrate my own birthday than to put TSH back out there, in its final edit - so from here on it'll be changes to the cover only (but I'm keeping the same one for now).
So, this 19th of November, if you're looking for a copy, you'll find the new and improved version floating about for your pleasure. Grab it and enjoy, or I'll send Halm Forgen around to dunk you down a well (more about that with FSJ, which is the next part of my plan for Total World Domination).
That's it for the good news, the great news will be the updates on FSJ, and perhaps a long-awaited review of History of Talbadas. Who knows, maybe another chapter on the History blog? Catch you all soon.
Once again and as always, have a good one!
T. M. Shannon
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