Sunday 23 June 2019

Adverb Slasher II - The Killening

   Hi guys (if you're reading - last post was very quiet),

   Last time I announced I was taking the fight to adverbs - I also turned my attention to the passive voice - knowing I was making a positive change in my writing. So far, it's bloody. Like Red Wedding bloody. Like basically as bloody as I hear Game of Thrones is. And it is tiring to fight.

   But then, it's my writing, so BAD AUTHOR!

   Also I popped my cyst in my left knee again, tucking my legs under the chair last Saturday. Let this be a hobbly, sac of pus squirting out from behind your knee lesson for you. Another casualty of this horrid war I've declared on myself - and my writing has also vastly improved from TSH.

   I'm not sure really why I'm blogging ATM, or tweeting, though I have 900 followers now, just doesn't seem to be much clout but I'll be offering a beta read for someone once I hit 1000, and hashtagging Three Ways every chance I can get, along with the hashtags for the lovely #WritingCommunity / #writingcommunity. Maybe just not quite my time.

   But I'll slog on, polishing, tweeting, polishing, tweeting, until I've got The Ways In sorted - 12 chapters to go! - then continue with The Ways Out - I'll be writing the end first, just to shore it up. The joys of #amediting and #amwriting.

   I'll call it quits here, polishing awaits, but I hope there's some build soon, and know there's something very special coming in July, but more on that later.

   For now, have a good one!

   T. M.